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  • Writer's pictureMike Sheps

Welcome to the Big DAW Audio Blog

Introducing Big DAW Audio: plugins to elevate your sound.

Big DAW Audio is your new go-to source for production tutorials and the best plugins for your DAW.

Our very first plugin is now commercially available, and so we want to introduce ourselves and what we stand for.

At Big DAW Audio we have one simple goal: taking your music production to the next level. We do so by creating bespoke modern plugins that assist with complex production tasks, and simplify them, in order to upgrade your sound, and save you some time in the process.

All plugins are built from scratch with exquisite detail and attention put into both sound and visual design.

Our plugins are tools that integrate seamlessly into all workflows, at any stage in the production, mixing, or mastering process.

We're passionate about music production and believe that it's an art form that should be celebrated. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, our plugins are designed to solve problems and simplify tasks that are universal for beginners and experts alike, across all genres.

We're excited to be a part of your music production journey. Let's venture into the world of sound, and together, create amazing music.

DAW Ableton Logic Pro FL Studio Fruity Loops Steinberg Cubase Presonus Studio One Reaper Reason Bitwig Garageband Mixcraft Plugin VST VST3 AU Audio Unit Plugins 64bit 32bit Cakewalk audio interface Best DAW, PC, Macbook, Mac, Music Production Producer EDM Hip-Hop LO-FI Dubstep House Techno Melodic Garage MIDI keyboard microphone recording studio Audio Engineer Mixing Tips Mastering Techniques software samples sample library beat making music theory music composition synthesizers synths synth drum machine 808 909 sidechain best top 5 compressor compression side-chain ducking kick bass snare hat open closed rides vox vocals 707 606 bus buss busses sends send return returns aux output input gain reduction limiter limiting best multi-band imaging imager wider stereo narrow width volume knob automate automation studio monitor speakers creativity creative inspiration arrangement tracks channels meters reference Productor de producción musical EDM Hip-Hop LO-FI Dubstep House Techno Melodic Garage MIDI teclado micrófono estudio de grabación Ingeniero de audio Consejos de mezcla Técnicas de dominio muestras de software biblioteca de muestras creación de ritmos teoría musical composición musical sintetizadores sintetizadores sintetizador caja de ritmos 808 909 sidechain best top 5 compresor compresión sidechain ducking kick bass snare hat open closed rides vox voces 707 606 bus bus buses envía envío retorno regresa aux salida entrada reducción de ganancia limitador limitante mejor imagen multibanda generador de imágenes estéreo más amplio ancho estrecho perilla de volumen automatizar automatización estudio monitor altavoces creatividad creativa inspiración arreglo pistas canales metros referencia ZXZbibliotheek beat maken muziek theorie muziek compositie synthesizers synths synth drum machine 808 909 sidechain beste top 5 compressor compressie side-chain ducking kick bass snare hat open gesloten rides vox vocals 707 606 bus buss bussen sends send return returns aux output input gain reduction limiter limiting best multi-band imaging imager bredere stereo smalle breedte volumeknop automatisering automatisering studio monitor speakers creativiteit creatief inspiratie arrangement tracks kanalen meters referentie MIDI-клавиатура микрофон студия звукозаписи Звукоинженер Советы по микшированию Методы мастеринга программное обеспечение семплы библиотека библиотека сэмплов создание битов теория музыки синтезаторы синтезаторы синтезатор драм-машина 808 909 сайдчейн лучший топ 5 компрессор компрессия сайдчейн дакинг бочка бас малый шляпа открытый закрытый аттракционы вокс вокал 707 606 шина шина шины посылы отправить возврат возврат вспомогательный выход входной сигнал уменьшение ограничитель ограничения лучший многополосный имидж-сканер шире стерео узкая ширина ручка громкости автоматизация студия монитор динамики творчество творческое вдохновение аранжировка треки каналы метры ссылка

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